Saturday, October 24, 2009

Web/Email/IM on Sidekick?

How can I get my parents to get me the full data plan for the Sidekick? I have unlimited texting, but they said that if I want IM, email, and web, they would buy a program to see if I use the Internet. This is so ridiculous! They know I'm responsible, and they think I'm going to get in trouble on the internet or something. I seriously have no interest in getting in trouble and getting raped. But, how can I get them to get me the plan without them checking my phone everyday? I want them to treat me like an adult and part of them doing that is letting me take my own risks. Please help!!!

Web/Email/IM on Sidekick?
It is so cheap! It's only $29 for data.

You can tell your parents to let you have data say for a month. Say that you want to prove it to them that you are responsible. If something happens within that month, then well no data. If something doesn't happen and you don't use bad judgment, then you get to keep the data.

Another way is to ask how can you earn it. Maybe do chores around the house in order to get it.

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